

The following motions were approved unanimously (as amended) at the meeting of the WRAB scientific Committee at their meeting on Friday, February 18th, 2011 at the Writing Research Across Borders conference.

1. The Scientific Committee of the Writing Research Across Borders Conference authorizes the formation of an International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research (ISAWR) to be the sponsoring body of an international conference to be held every three years, and engage in any other activities specified in the constitution to be drafted and approved.

2. The interim leadership of the ISAWR will consist of a temporary steering committee consisting of a chair and six other members. Nominations for the chair and six additional members will be open immediately upon approval from the floor and until February 28, midnight GMT, to be sent to An email ballot will then be distributed to the Scientific Committee for their votes, to be returned by March 10. The results will be announced by March 15. The temporary steering committee can choose additional members on an ad hoc basis for geographical, linguistic, or disciplinary reasons.

3. The Temporary Steering Committee shall issue by May 1, 2011 a call for proposals to host the 2014 conference, receive the proposals by March 30 2012, and select the site from among the proposals by May 1, 2012. Until an approved constitution establishes other procedures, the Steering Committee will also serve as the Conference Academic Steering Committee.

4. The Temporary Steering Committee also shall draft a mission statement and a constitution for the organization by December 2011, to be then circulated for comment to members of the Scientific Committee, with the goal of it being sent for ballot and approval to the Scientific Committee by February 2012. The constitution shall include provisions for membership, leadership, the sponsorship of the periodic International Writing Research Conference, and other activities.

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